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Karavashkin, O.N. Karavashkina |
check up the obtained calculation regularities, we have carried out the
experiment whose circuit is shown in Fig. 9. Its principal aim was to
investigate the amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of
the input impedance at the ladder filter pass band with the constant input
current amplitude I(t). The introduced condition of the input
current (not voltage) constancy was caused, on one hand, by the dependence of
solutions (26) on the input current amplitude. And on the other hand, when
experimenting, it is convenient to compare voltages, not currents. Moreover,
the phase characteristics measurement between the voltages excludes a number
of essential systematic errors. Basing
on the above arguments, we worked out the experimental scheme. One can see
from Fig. 9 that the phase of the filter input impedance was measured as the
difference between the voltage phases at the source output and at the ladder
filter input. For it between the source output and filter input we inserted
quite large resistor R1 stabilising the phase of the source
output voltage. The second task of this resistor was to bring the
experimental conditions at the filter input nearer to the calculated
conditions, according to which the filter input was loaded (see Fig. 5). The
pattern of input impedance variation with frequency was investigated by the voltage
variation at the filter input being equivalent to the constant input current
amplitude. The experimental data were picked off the screen of oscillograph
having a large input resistance (> 1 MOhm), small input capacitance (~ 40 F) and the resolving ability
in frequency more than 10 MHz. To reduce the measurement error, we used the
one-ray oscillograph with the measurement channels switching at its input
(the switch SA1). To reduce the standard error of the oscillograph (about 5%)
when the phase characteristics measuring, we used the maximal sweep with the
external synchronisation, and when investigating the amplitude
characteristics – the maximal amplification of the signal and measuring the
oscillation swing. |
results – the amplitude-frequency (a) and phase-frequency (b) characteristics
– are presented in Fig. 10. This first has the form of regularity of the
acting voltage amplitude at the filter input with respect to frequency and
input impedance. And the second has the form of displacement phase in
radians, also with respect to frequency and input impedance. Comparing them
with the calculation diagrams in Fig. 6,
we see a full accord of the patterns accurate to the experimental error. The
only difference is in the amplitude values of the resonance peaks when
comparing the experimental and calculation data. The calculated amplitude is
some higher. This is caused by the finiteness of resistance R1.
Its value is well more than the filter impedance R0 and is
quite large to ensure a good accord of the phase characteristics, but is not
quite sufficient, the amplitude characteristics to be in full accord with the
calculation circuit. Because, as one can determine by the data in Fig. 6, it
is comparable with the maximal value of the input impedance amplitude in the
resonance peaks domain. Basically, the presented method allows getting over
this disparity too. In this order we should complicate a little the initial
mechanical prototype model and consider an elastic line having
heterogeneities not only at its output but also at the input. But since our
main aim here is to investigate just the load impedance influence on the
vibration pattern, such refinement is out of frames of this paper. While
within these frames we can surely state that the presented coincidence of the
calculated and experimental results demonstrates quite conclusively that
ladder filters cannot be modelled by a simple assemblage of elementary
two-ports in general case. Their amplitude and phase characteristics have the
complex resonance form well described by the combined method based on the
exact analytical solutions for mechanical elastic lines as the analogue and
the dynamical electromechanical analogy DEMA. With it the ladder filter
structure can be much complicated, if necessary, even in frames of the
problem solved here, since one can think under the impedances 1 and 2
any complex impedance, in that number the input impedance of the filter
branches. In all these cases the DEMA relationship retain true, because they
take into account the similarity of just the dynamical processes in
mechanical lines and ladder filters. |
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